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Dogged Nice Guy: Braco is a deconstruction of the trope, as he never listens to Bubblegum's wishes and ends up being completely satisfied by a parodically love-obsessed Sex Bot version of her.Even if he has to go into a pit of fire to get a stone for her experiment. Determinator: Braco is determined to win Bubblegum's affections, no matter if she wants him or not.Demonic Possession: Peppermint Butler summons a demon into the body of Cinnamon Bun.A Day in the Limelight: The episode plot centers around Princess Bubblegum and Braco.Continuity Nod: Peppermint Butler is doing his dark magic rituals in the amber prison on top of the castle previously occupied by the Lich.Body Horror: Braco accepts a demon's offer to turn him into a "love magnet", but is turned into a deformed three-legged monster.Animalistic Abomination: The Beast, a black furred horned animal.He's shown summoning a demon and is referred to by a Gumball Guardian as "Dark One", but the Guardian doesn't seem concerned about him at all and he's not shown doing anything evil with his demonic rituals. Ambiguously Evil: This episode gives further hints to Peppermint Butler's evil nature.Accidental Misnaming: A Gumball Guardian accidentally refers to Peppermint Butler as "Peanut Butler" at the beginning of the episode.Peppermint Butler lines up a suitor for Bubblegum, who he thinks is working too much.