Surrender to divine timing oracle card
Surrender to divine timing oracle card

surrender to divine timing oracle card

The full moon is often the time when answers are given to questions asked during the new moon, and pulling this card at anytime in the lunar cycle suggests answers will be coming your way before too long. The full moon marks the climax of the lunar cycle, making this card something of a power card. * It's time to let go of the past and move on. The answer is simply no We cannot bypass soul lessons that are meant to be learnt during timelines. * You may need to forgive someone to release negative energy. * There could be a sense of madness in the air - breathe deep and stay calm. * A wish you made maybe about to come true. Ask your angels and guides, and Lord Ganesha, to bring you guidance and inspiration to motivate you in your dream time.

surrender to divine timing oracle card

The odds are in your favour, as this is a positive card, but you may need to work harder than usual to keep cool as events unfold. Matters will soon conclude and you'll find out whether or not your wishes are going to come true. You're very likely close to the surface, no matter when in the moon cycle this card was pulled. Tune into your emotions now and see what they're telling you. The very word 'climax' brings all sort of ideas and images to mind - agreed? But it really is the feeling of this card: life is coming to a head, a point, a conclusion or a turning point there may be some kind of change, and possibly even some sort of emotional explosion.

Surrender to divine timing oracle card